A Full Review of the Yu Yu Hakusho, Vol. 14: No Return
Yu Yu Hakusho, Vol. 14: No Return is a movie that everyone can enjoy together.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The movie is absolutely stunning and Justin Cook deliver some award winning performances in this movie. I also think Laura Bailey (II) was great!
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If you love watching Justin Cook or Laura Bailey (II), you are deffinetly going to want to watch Yu Yu Hakusho, Vol. 14: No Return.
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While in his original form, Kurama's power overwhelms Uraurashima. Meanwhile, Botan, Keiko, Seiryu and Poo make their way to the arena to watch the bout. Poo is in pain - since his soul is linked to Yusuke's, he feels the pain Yusuke feels during Genkai's final test. Poo takes to the air and flies away from the girls. The sight of the little creature in such pain inspires Yusuke to try harder, and gives him the strength he needs to rise to his feet and overcome the test. Yusuke collapses at Genkai's feet, exhausted. The Masked Warrior's name is drawn. Hiei prepares to enter the ring to fight in her place, but the Masked Warrior suddenly appears. Genkai is revealed, now in her older form. This causes some controversy among the spectators. Genkai has given most of her energy to Yusuke, so she only has enough left for three Spirit Balls. Will it be enough?
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